Saturday, 18 March 2017

Bartolo Longo, Thomas Garnet, Margaret Mary and Claude de la Columbiere - recreating imagery for new Catholic films

On Saturday 4th March 'Mary's Dowry Productions' spent a busy morning and afternoon 'on location' at our parish hall, recreating imagery for several new films we are currently making for our parish and which will be made available on DVD through our online shops.
We filmed portrayals of the following:
Our first portrayals were for a film about The Sacred Heart in England, focusing on biographies of St. Claude de la Columbiere, who brought the devotion to England, and St. Margaret Mary. St. Claude was St. Margaret Mary's confessor. The film is set in the 17th century so we used the original 18th century flint walls as a backdrop.
St. Margaret Mary and her sisters
St. Margaret Mary
St. Margaret Mary and St. Claude de la Columbiere
St. Claude de la Columbiere in prison during the Titus Oates plot
St. Claude, a Jesuit priest, was sent to England after meeting St. Margaret Mary, and was arrested and imprisoned during the Titus Oates plot. St. Claude met several English Martyrs during his time in England. We are looking forward to presenting this film.
Our next filming sequence focused on Blessed Bartolo Longo. Bartolo, an Italian Lawyer, was drawn into spiritualism and a satanic cult during his university days. He was eventually reconciled to the Catholic Faith, renounced spiritualism and built the famous Shrine to Our Lady of Pompeii. He is known as the Apostle of the Rosary.
Bartolo at a séance
Bartolo rejecting spiritualism
Bartolo teaching some of his orphans about the rosary
Finally, we filmed for St. Thomas Garnet, one of our English Martyrs. St. Thomas was the nephew of St. Henry Garnet, head of the Jesuits in England. Saint Thomas came to England on the English Mission and eventually gave his life for the Catholic Faith in England at Tyburn.
St. Thomas worked as a page for the half-brother of St. Philip Howard, a fellow Martyr
St. Thomas and a priest hunter
St. Thomas as the Tyburn gallows
We are still working on several other films due for release soon.
Be sure to visit our website for any new DVD releases and other films now available on the lives of the Saints and English Martyrs.