Tuesday, 15 August 2023

Mary's Dowry Productions Catholic films, music, books - AUGUST newsletter

 August Newsletter from Mary's dowry Productions:

Dear Friends of Mary’s Dowry Productions, 

August brings with it the celebration of many inspiring Saints and Martyrs of the Church. We think especially of Saint Philomena and Saint Clare on August 11th just passed.

 “Look into this mirror every day, O Queen, spouse of Jesus Christ, and continually examine your face in it, so that in this way you may adorn yourself completely, inwardly and outwardly.... In this mirror shine blessed poverty, holy humility, and charity beyond words..." (Fourth Letter of Saint Clare to Blessed Agnes of Prague, FF, 2901-2903)

 The “dear little saint” of the Curé d’Ars, as he called St Philomena, was also found a devout client in Saint Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio). He called her the “little princess of Paradise,” and to those who dared question her existence, he replied that doubts were the fruit of the demon. Padre Pio said, “You can say that she was not called Philomena -- but this saint has worked miracles, and it was not the name that did them!” – Vatican News 

Saint Clare was from a privileged family. She chose to live her life in freedom from material things and founded, with Saint Francis of Assisi, the religious order of the Poor Clares. Saint Philomena was a young Greek girl who caught the eye of the Emperor Diocletian. She had vowed her life to Christ and refused to marry the emperor, despite the promise of wealth and titles. She is an early Martyr of the Church. 

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Mary's Dowry Productions ONLINE SHOP

 We also remembered Saint Edith Stein (Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross) on 9th August and will remember Saint Maximillian Kolbe on the 14th August. These two Saints are known as 20th Century Martyrs, both dying at the hands of the Nazis during WWII.

 “Dear brothers and sisters! The love of Christ was the fire that inflamed the life of St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross. Long before she realized it, she was caught by this fire.” – Pope Saint John Paul II at the canonization of Saint Edith Stein

The lives of the Saints and Martyrs told through film can be an inspiring way to meet these great heroes of the Universal Church. We founded Mary’s Dowry Productions in 2007 specifically to bring the lives of the Saints, Blesseds and Martyrs (in particular those from England) to people using the new media in a way that was easy to encounter our Saints who are from all walks of life and all periods of history, sharing the same love of God, fullness of Truth and richness of the Catholic Faith. Our unique films present visuals, music and narrative in an informative, devotional, prayerful and enjoyable way that is great for sharing with everyone. 

 “It is important, too, that people at all levels of the Church use the Internet creatively to meet their responsibilities and help fulfill the Church's mission.” – Pontifical Council for Social Communications – The Church and the Internet.

We recall especially many of our enjoyable films about early British Saints such as the joyful and determined Saint Etheldreda, Abbess of Ely who retired to a convent but was hunted by the King of Northumberland; the brave Saint Mildred of Thanet who had to face some interesting trials while at school in France; the innocent Saint Bega of Bees who longed to live in hermitage but was plagued by annoying pirates; the humorous and skilled Saint Cuthman of Steyning who pushed his disabled mother in a cart over the 7th century south downs and built a church! And many more.

  Currently, we are working on film about Saint David Lewis, a Welsh Martyr of Penal Times. He is inspiring for his dedication to the persecuted Catholics in England and Wales who were unable to publicly show their unity with the Pope and the Universal Church or publicly celebrate Mass or express devotion during the troubled political times in the land. We recently completed films about Saint Catherine of Siena and Venerable Ignatius Spencer. Buy Now All of our films are all available to watch on all digital devices and stream on demand through Roku, Apple, iPhone, iPad, Android and more via our Mary’s Dowry Vimeo channel. Anyone and everyone the world over can rent or buy these films. 

While we still produce films on DVD we have all of our films available for Instant Digital Download here: DIGITAL DOWNLOAD

 We also have many of our films available to watch for free on our YouTube channel (see below), especially the lives of our heroic English Martyrs such as Saint Edmund Arrowsmith, Saint Swithun Wells and Saint Robert Southwell. The English Martyrs were men and women, priests and religious, who remained loyal to the Pope and the Universal Church rather than swear allegiance to a man or woman in matters of Faith. They gave shining examples and courageous witnesses during Penal Times, such as during the earthly reigns of King Henry VIII or Elizabeth I.

 “…your martyrs died to give witness to this faith, and in particular to the Sacrifice of the Mass, and to the primacy of Peter and his successors. We know that generations of priests, religious and laity in your land have lived the ideal of Christian service in the generosity of love. The Lord himself will be your reward.” – Pope Saint Paul VI in 1977. 

We now have available the beautiful soundtrack from our film about Saint Clare of Assisi on CD. More details here: This instrumental music album is the complete soundtrack from "Saint Clare of Assisi". With 7 tracks of instrumental music combining instruments from Clare's era fused with soundscapes, piano, guitar, strings, the music will lift your spirit to love and encounter God as Saint Clare so beautifully encountered Him especially in the Blessed Sacrament. 


If you have been enjoying The Secondhand Bookworm series of novels set in an English bookshop, we now have Book 11 available on Amazon Kindle, kindleunlimited and in paperback.

 ‘Winterland at The Secondhand Bookworm’ is set during a week of snow and the Winterland Festival, with a new threat against the Catholic Duke of Cole and a special ‘Book of Hours’. Book 12 will be available soon! Start the series today– perfect if you like books, bookshops, quirky British humour, twists, friendship, olde English towns, eccentric people, serious book collectors and a smattering of wholesome Catholicism throughout. Join Nora Jolly at The Secondhand Bookworm here: (all royalties are received by Mary’s Dowry Productions). 

The Secondhand Bookworm Novels Amazon Kindle UK LINK 

 Don’t forget to enjoy new clips and trailers from many of our films on our YouTube channel. Thank you for your continued support of Mary’s Dowry Productions Catholic Film Apostolate. 

 A blessed August to you all!