Tuesday, 19 February 2019

The Fourth Seer of Fatima, a Saint for our times - Miracle of the Eucharist, Blessed Alexandrina da Costa DVD

Blessed Alexandrina da Costa DVD

It has been almost ten years since Mary's Dowry Productions produced 'Blessed Alexandrina Maria da Costa' DVD. It is the only English-speaking film available about this great Saint of the Eucharist and has been broadcast worldwide on EWTN, with DVDs sent regularly throughout the globe.

In 2010 we were encouraged by a Catholic author to produce a film about Blessed Alexandrina. We already had an interest in her life and a devotion to her for some years. In order to produce the film we recreated many important moments of the life of Blessed Alexandrina.

Blessed Alexandrina was born in Portugal. When only 14 years of age she sustained a severe injury after jumping from a window to escape attackers. She then managed to return to the room and fight them off of her sister and friend.

Finding herself bedridden for the rest of her life, Blessed Alexandrina realized that Jesus was a prisoner also - in the Tabernacle. She began to unite her soul with His Real presence and offered herself to Him as a Victim of His Divine Justice as she was made aware of the many grave sins that were offending Our Lord.

Blessed Alexandrina therefore spent every moment of her painful life in union with Jesus. He visited her, guided her and after some time invited her to relive His Most Sacred Passion for the conversion of sinners.

We recreated this profound and miraculous occurrence which would take place every Friday in Blessed Alexandrina's room. She was paralyzed so the fact that she entered into a holy ecstasy and relived the Passion was astounding. 

For our film about Blessed Alexandrina, we used one set - a recreation of her bedroom. Blessed Alexandrina was also a Miracle of the Eucharist. She implored the many people who came to visit her to pray the rosary, consecrate themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and wear the Brown Scapular.

Our film about Blessed Alexandrina has been praised by the 'Friends of Blessed Alexandrina', as well as several authors and promoters of this important Saint for our times. It is available worldwide on DVD from Mary's Dowry Productions online shop and is a wonderful way to get to know this great Blessed of the Church:

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