Mary's Dowry Productions has been asked several times by several different people to produce a film about the life of Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, a wife, mother and mystic of the Catholic Church.
Today we filmed footage for a NEW film about her which is now in its production stage. Our location was at a local village to us called Clapham in West Sussex.

Anna Maria Taigi was an only child. When still little she moved with her family to Rome where she worked as a seamstress and milliner which gave her a love of fashion and high quality clothes. After her marriage she experienced a deeper conversion to the Catholic Faith when she was moved by an interior inspiration to go to confession while walking to Saint Peter's Basilica adorned in her finery. After several difficulties, Anna Maria went to Confession to a Saintly priest and began to walk the way of heroic sanctity.
She joined the Trinitarians as a Third Order member and developed a deep prayer life amidst her duties as a wife and mother. Her love for the poor was utterly giving and selfless. She entered upon the narrow way of the Cross with a special call from God to be a victim soul, interceding especially for the conversion of souls.

After she received the Scapular of the Trinitarians, Blessed Anna Maria saw a mysterious sun that would remain before her interior eyes for 49 years. It was a gift from God in which she was able to contemplate heavenly Truths, the state of souls, events from the past and present and sometimes future events. This gift was unique in the life of a Saint and after alarming her when she first saw it she found that it gave her permanent control over her interior emotions and her outward actions as well as a special means for knowing divers wants of individual souls, the secret of sinners' consciences, the snares of Satan, the Church's dangers and all the evils she was destined to remedy.

In her mysterious sun, Blessed Anna Maria simply had to direct her gaze upon it and come into possession of knowledge far transcending what was merely human and natural. It was ever present to her inward eye and remained before her wherever she was, both day and night. Our Lord Himself often directed her, as did Our Lady and various Saints.

Blessed Anna Maria had a great love for the souls of the deceased, a devotion to Saint Philomena, the rosary, visiting the sick and the incurable, but most especially the care and education of her children, the management of her house and the patient attention and marriage duties to her husband, Dominic, who often had ill humour and bad moods with his fiery character, but who loved and admired his wife deeply.

This great Blessed of the Church would often become enraptured at the presence of God and contemplation of His Truths while even at simple tasks. She would go rigid and behold many correspondences from Christ in her mysterious sun for the good of souls, the world and the Church.
Despite such heavenly gifts and a mystical life, she was profoundly humble with an intense charity that saw her bear with great sufferings, persecutions, calumny, devilish attacks, ill health and the toils of every day life. She used and enjoyed her supernatural gift of her mysterious sun constantly to the end of her life.
Our film about Blessed Anna Maria Taigi will look at her life in her family and her special call, mystical gifts, encounters with Christ, Our Lady and her patron Saints, her mysterious sun, her example and place in history as well as many things she foresaw. COMING SOON from Mary's Dowry Productions.
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