Thursday 31 May 2012

Well Known Saints Volume Four, film series on the Saints

New for 2012 is volume four of our popular DVD series on the well-known Saints of the Church.
7 more mini-movies of Saints are presented.
An interactive menu lists the seven Saints who are each presented in detailed five minute films..
This series is useful for schools and Confirmation classes, families and devotional use.
The new volumes and the rest of the series are available through:
Amazon UK and Amazon COM

Wednesday 30 May 2012

St Edmund Arrowsmith, film, DVD, Martyr of Northern England

In 2007 Mary’s Dowry productions created a new form of film media to present the lives of the saints. Mary’s Dowry Productions recreates stunning silent visuals, informative, devotional narration, and original contemplative music that touches your spirit to draw you into a spiritual encounter with the saint. Watch with your spiritual eye, listen with your spiritual ear. Our films seek to offer a window into the lives of our saints. Using your spiritual senses we invite you to shut out the world, sit prayerfully and peacefully and go on a journey of faith, history and prayer with Saint Edmund Arrosmith. Closing the distance of time between Elizabethan England and the present day, encounter this inspiring priest. 

Length and Format: 

The film runs for 40 minutes and is available on Region Free DVD worldwide.

The DVD is available worldwide through:

Blessed Alexandrina da Costa, DVD, film of her life, available world wide

A film about the life of Blessed Alexandrina Maria da Costa.
Promoted worldwide by the Blessed Alexandrina Society.
This is a careful and detailed look at her life.

In 2007 Mary’s Dowry productions created a new form of film media to present the lives of the saints. Mary’s Dowry Productions recreates stunning silent visuals, informative, devotional narration, and original contemplative music that touches your spirit to draw you into a spiritual encounter with the saint. Watch with your spiritual eye, listen with your spiritual ear. Our films seek to offer a window into the lives of our saints. Using your spiritual senses we invite you to shut out the world, sit prayerfully and peacefully and go on a journey of faith, history and prayer with Blessed Margaret Clitherow. Closing the distance of time between Elizabethan England and the present day, encounter this inspiring mystic and victim soul. 

Length and Format: 

The film runs for one hour and is available on Region Free DVD worldwide.

The film is available worldwide on DVD through:

Saint Edmund Campion film, DVD, English Martyr

A film presenting the life of Saint Edmund Campion.

Although he defended the Catholic Faith in Elizabethan England with outstanding writings that captured many audiences including the most powerful of the courts, St. Edmund Campion was a man of intense faith, prayer and hope.  From his early life he sought the Truth, left his high position as Queen Elizabeth I's favourite, travelled Europe and returned to England to bring the Mass  to the people in a hostile environment. his prayer, devotion and love of God shines out in his own words.

In 2007 Mary’s Dowry productions created a new form of film media to present the lives of the saints. Mary’s Dowry Productions recreates stunning silent visuals, informative, devotional narration, and original contemplative music that touches your spirit to draw you into a spiritual encounter with the saint. Watch with your spiritual eye, listen with your spiritual ear. Our films seek to offer a window into the lives of our saints. Using your spiritual senses we invite you to shut out the world, sit prayerfully and peacefully and go on a journey of faith, history and prayer with this inspiring Elizabethan Saint.
Length and Format:
The film runs for 1 hour and 5 minutes and is available on Region Free DVD worldwide.
Details and information with words from his Brag and Ten Reasons.
The history and Faith of England during the 16th Century is covered in detail.
This film uses original imagery.
Saint Edmund Campion is available worldwide through:
Also available is a shorter film: God's Champion.

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha film, DVD, Kateri Tekakwitha, available worldwide

St. Kateri Tekakwitha film.
A film about the life of Kateri Tekakwitha with details and information.

In 2007 Mary’s Dowry productions created a new form of film media to present the lives of the saints. Mary’s Dowry Productions recreates stunning silent visuals, informative, devotional narration, and original contemplative music that touches your spirit to draw you into a spiritual encounter with the saint. Watch with your spiritual eye, listen with your spiritual ear. Our films seek to offer a window into the lives of our saints. Using your spiritual senses we invite you to shut out the world, sit prayerfully and peacefully and go on a journey of faith, history and prayer with Saint Kateri Tekakwitha. Closing the distance of time between Elizabethan England and the present day, encounter this inspiring young Catholic Saint. 

Length and Format: 

The film runs for one hour and is available on Region Free DVD worldwide.

The film is available on DVD worldwide through:
The film presents the life and Faith of Kateri Tekakwitha, an extraordinary Mohawk Catholic of the 17th Century.

St. Richard Gwyn film, DVD, Welsh Martyr, Wrexham

Saint Richard Gwyn, also known as Saint Richard White, was a happy, warm, deeply devout, family man and Elizabethan Catholic. His love of God touched all around him, even his enemies. His early life saw him teach children by day and write poems and ballads about the Catholic Faith by night. In a troubled climate in England's history, Saint Richard chose God above the world. Often the mysterious surrounded him and amazed even his enemies. Saint Richard shines out today as an inspiring Catholic relevant for our times.

In 2007 Mary’s Dowry productions created a new form of film media to present the lives of the saints. Mary’s Dowry Productions recreates stunning silent visuals, informative, devotional narration, and original contemplative music that touches your spirit to draw you into a spiritual encounter with the saint. Watch with your spiritual eye, listen with your spiritual ear. Our films seek to offer a window into the lives of our saints. Using your spiritual senses we invite you to shut out the world, sit prayerfully and peacefully and go on a journey of faith, history and prayer with this inspiring Elizabethan Saint.
Length and Format:
The film runs for 45 minutes and is available on Region Free DVD worldwide.
The film is available worldwide on DVD through:

Saint Clare of Assisi, film, DVD, information, NEW, Poor Clares, Italian Saint, foundress

Saint Clare of Assisi (sometimes spelled Clair, Claire, etc.) (July 16, 1194 – August 11, 1253), born Chiara Offreduccio, is an Italian saint and one of the first followers of Saint Francis of Assisi. She founded the Order of Poor Ladies, a monastic religious order for women in the Franciscan tradition, and wrote their Rule of Life—the first monastic rule known to have been written by a woman. Following her death, the order she founded was renamed in her honor as the Order of Saint Clare, commonly referred to today as the Poor Clares.

A beautifully contemplative saint who was so struck by her friend St. Francis of Assisi that she left everything to follow his rule of simplicity, poverty and prayer.  Our DVD offers a sweet, gentle and fulfilling encounter.

In 2007 Mary’s Dowry productions created a new form of film media to present the lives of the saints. Mary’s Dowry Productions recreates stunning silent visuals, informative, devotional narration, and original contemplative music that touches your spirit to draw you into a spiritual encounter with the saint. Watch with your spiritual eye, listen with your spiritual ear. Our films seek to offer a window into the lives of our saints. Using your spiritual senses we invite you to shut out the world, sit prayerfully and peacefully and go on a journey of faith, history and prayer with Saint Clare of Assisi.

Length and Format:
The film runs for 30 minutes and is available on Region Free DVD worldwide.
The DVD is available through:

Our Lady of Walsingham, film, DVD, informative, devotional, spiritual and historic - Richeldis de Faverches

In 2007 Mary’s Dowry productions created a new form of film media to present the lives of the saints. Mary’s Dowry Productions recreates stunning silent visuals, informative, devotional narration, and original contemplative music that touches your spirit to draw you into a spiritual encounter with the saint. Watch with your spiritual eye, listen with your spiritual ear. Our films seek to offer a window into the lives of our saints. Using your spiritual senses we invite you to shut out the world, sit prayerfully and peacefully and go on a journey of faith, history and prayer with this new DVD presentation.
In Our Lady of Walsingham and Richeldis de Faverches, contemplative music fused with medieval, Saxon and contemporary styles draw you into an unfolding story that spans over a thousand years of Catholic history and devotion in England.
Historical information regarding Richeldis de Faverches and Our Lady of Walsingham:
Richeldis de Faverches, also known as "Rychold", was a devout English noblewoman who is credited with establishing the original shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham. The vision of "Rychold" was recounted in the 15th century in "The Foundation of the Chapel of Walsingham" (ca. 1485, also known as the "Pynson Ballad"), published by Richard Pynson. The visit our the Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary to Richeldis is one of the earliest Marian apparitions.
Lady Richeldis de Faverches wished to do something special to honour the Blessed Virgin Mary and in 1061 had a series of three visions in which the Our Lady, the Virgin Mary Mother of God, appeared to her. In these visions Richeldis was shown the house of the Annunciation in Nazareth and was requested to build a replica of the house in Walsingham as a place of pilgrimage where people could honour the Virgin Mary. Mary promised, "Whoever seeks my help there will not go away empty-handed."
There were early construction problems however. One night Richeldis heard singing and went out to her garden where she found that the little house had been completed about two hundred yards from the site of the original construction. Richeldis saw what she took to be angels leaving the now completed building. The original Holy House was a simple wooden structure measuring approximately 24 ft. by 13 ft., with four small turrets and a central tower. The 'Holy House' was later encased in stone to protect it from the elements.
According to Dickinson, Richeldis de Faverches, the Lady of Walsingham Manor in 1130, was a noblewoman known for her good works who was married to the Lord of the Manor of Walsingham Parva in Norfolk. She lived during the reign of Edward the Confessor. When her husband died, she was left a young widow with a son, Geoffrey.
Before leaving to join the Second Crusade, Lord Geoffrey de Faverches had left the Holy House and its grounds to his chaplain, Edwin, to establish a religious order to care for the chapel of Our Lady of Walsingham. As travelling abroad became more difficult during the time of the Crusades, Walsingham became a place of pilgrimage, ranking alongside Jerusalem, Rome and Santiago da Compostella.
Catholics from all over Christendom came to this place of grace in England.
Our Lady of Walsingham is a title of Mary the mother of Jesus venerated by Roman Catholics. The priory passed into the care of the Canons Regular sometime between 1146 and 1174.
Pope Pius XII granted a Canonical Coronation to the Roman Catholic image via the Papal Nuncio Bishop Gerald O'Hara on 15 August 1954 with a gold crown funded by her devotees, now venerated in the Slipper Chapel.
Our film begins at the holy shrine of Saint Philip Howard, the Earl of Arundel, who is believed to have written the Walsingham Lament when he visited the ruins with his cousin Queen Elizabeth I.
The part of the English Martyrs in the history of England features in our production, offering their lives of love and charity as examples relevant to our day.
The DVD is available through our online shop in all region formats and ships worldwide:

Saint Winifred, Winefriede, film of her life

A film about Saint Winifred, a Welsh Saint of the 7th Century.  This film looks at her life and how we have the miraculous well in Holywell, Flintshire.
The film is available on DVD through and also through Amazon UK and Amazon COM.