Friday 16 December 2016

MORE AND HIS DAUGHTER - Saint Thomas More and Margaret Roper - English Martyr, December thoughts

'Saint Thomas More' film
© 2011 Mary's Dowry Productions

THOMAS MORE'S son-in-law, William Roper, shares with us a meeting in the Tower of London between Saint Thomas More and Margaret, Thomas's beloved daughter. He wrote:
"Now, when he had remained in the Tower a little more than a month, my wife, longing to see her father, by her earnest suit at length got leave to go unto him. At whose coming, after the Seven Psalms and Litany said (which whensoever she came to him, ere he fell in talk of any worldly matters he used accustomably to say with her), among other communications he said to her, 'I believe, Meg, that they have put me here ween that they have done me a high displeasure; but I assure thee on my faith, my own good daughter, if it had not been for my wife and you that be my children, whom I account the chief part of my charge, I would not have failed long ere this to have closed myself in as strait a room, and straiter too.
'Saint Thomas More, his wife and daughter, praying in the Tower'
Screenshot © 2011 Mary's Dowry Productions

But since I am come hither without mine own desert, I trust that God of His goodness will discharge me of my care, and with his gracious help supply my lack among you. I find no cause, I thank God, Meg, to reckon myself in worse case here than in my own house, for methinks God maketh me a wanton, and setteth me on his lap and dandleth me.'
Saint Thomas More in the Tower
Screenshot © 2011 Mary's Dowry Productions

After his trial at Westminster, More's daughter awaited his return to the Tower on the entrance by the wharf. "As soon as she saw him, after his blessing upon her knees reverently received, she, hastening towards him without consideration or care of herself, pressing in among the throng and company of the guard, that with halberds and bills were round about him, hastily ran to him, and there openly in sight of them all, embraced him about the neck and kissed him.
Margaret runs to her father on the way to the Tower
Screenshot © 2011 Mary's Dowry Productions
Who, well liking her most natural and dear daughterly affection towards him, gave her his fatherly blessing and many good words of comfort besides. From whom after she was departed she, not satisfied with the former sight of him, and like one that had forgotten herself, being all ravished with the entire love of her dear father, having no respect neither to herself nor to the press of people, suddenly turned back, ran to him as before, and divers times kissed him most lovingly, till at last with a full heavy heart she was fain to depart from him: the beholding whereof was to many of them that were present so lamentable that it made them for very sorrow to mourn and weep."
Returning to the Tower of London
© 2011 Mary's Dowry Productions

Readings from
Mementoes of the Martyrs and Confessors of England and Wales
by Henry Sebastien Bowden
"They that sow in tears shall reap in joy." - Ps. 125, 5.
Saint Thomas More and his daughter, Margaret
Screenshot © 2011 Mary's Dowry Productions

Our DVD 'Saint Thomas More' is available worldwide through our online shops:

Tuesday 6 December 2016

BLOOD FOR BLOOD, St. John Almond, Secular priest, Tyburn gallows, London, December 5th 1612

Screenshot © 2008 Mary's Dowry Productions
'Saint Edmund Campion - Jesuit Martyr'

ON the scaffold, Saint John Almond emptied his pockets of money and other things, which he threw among the crowd, except for a gold piece which he gave to the hangman, "not to spare him, but to treat him as he should". He had come hither, Saint John Almond said, to shed his blood for our Saviour's sake, Who had shed His Blood for his sins. In which respect he wished that every drop that he would shed might be a thousand; that he might have St Lawrence's gridiron to be broiled on, St Peter's cross to be hanged on, St Stephen's stones to be stoned with, to be ripped, ripped, ripped and ripped again! Then he kneeled down, and often repeating "Into Thy hands O Lord I commend my spirit", he waited till the hangman was ready without any sign of fear.
The hangman and the Martyr's heart
© 2010 St. Edmund Gennings DVD
Ever smiling, Saint John Almond protested that he died CHASTE, not through his own ability or worthiness but by Christ's special GRACE - this for the benefit of a doctor of divinity who was present and had declared the thing impossible. At last the cart was drawn away, and with the words "Jesu, Jesus," Saint John Almond's soul went to Him for Whom he shed his blood, at Tyburn on 5th December 1612.
"Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people by His own Blood, suffered without the gate."
- Heb. 13, 12.
Reading from
The Mementoes of the Martyrs and Confessors of England and Wales
5th December
Our original films on the lives of the English Martyrs are available on DVD from our online shops:

Sunday 4 December 2016

KEEPER OF THE VINEYARD - Blessed John Beche, Abbot of Colchester, Tyburn Martyr 1st December

Reading for 4th December
Mementoes of the Martyrs and Confessors of England and Wales
Screenshot of St. John Houghton from our DVD 'Saint John Houghton'
© 2015 Mary's Dowry Productions
Also Martyred at Tyburn
ABBOT BECHE was a friend of Saint John Fisher and Saint Thomas More and in repute as a devoted monk; but like his brethren of Glastonbury and Reading he took the oath of supremacy on it being tendered to him in 1534.
When called upon to surrender the abbey he refused, denied the king's right to take it, and asserted his loyalty to the Holy See: for this he was committed to the Tower. Later he endeavoured to explain away what he had said, asserted the king's supremacy against the pope's "usurped authority," and made a piteous appeal for mercy. But however lamentable this defection, he atoned for it by shedding his blood in the event. He was sent down to Colchester and tried there by a special commission, and he appears to have acknowledged the charges made against him.
He was hanged, drawn and quartered at Colchester on 1st December 1539.
©2015 Mary's Dowry Productions
Screenshot from 'Saint Robert Southwell' DVD
On his pectoral cross, still preserved, is inscribed:
"May the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ bring us out of sorrow and sadness. This sign of the Cross shall be in the heavens when our Lord shall come to judgement. Behold, O man, the Redeemer suffered for thee. He that will come after Me, let him take up his cross and follow Me."
Blessed John Beche was the last Abbot of Colchester Abbey.
For films about the Martyrs of Tyburn and other Catholic Saints:

Monday 28 November 2016

Tyburn Martyrs for December - Mother Adele Garnier, the Last Tyburn Martyr

Saint John Almond - executed at Tyburn 5th December 1612
Saint Alexander Briant - executed at Tyburn 1st December 1581
Saint Edmund Campion - executed at Tyburn 1st December 1581
Saint Ralph Sherwin - executed at Tyburn 1st December 1581
Saint John Robert - executed at Tyburn 10th December 1610
Saint Polydore Plasden - executed at Tyburn 10th December 1591
Mother Adele Garnier called the Mass 'the SUN of my life'.
We have held the Convent of Tyburn in London close to our hearts during our years of producing films for our apostolate 'Mary's Dowry Productions', and have a special love for the Servant of God, Mother Adele Garnier.
Mary's Dowry Productions film apostolate was founded through our devotion to Saint Philip Howard, an English Martyr, which led to the discovery of the 40 Martyrs of England and Wales and all of our heroic English Martyrs, especially those who gave their lives at Tyburn, London.
We produce our films with a prayerful, spiritual approach, as 'homilies' on the life of each Saint or English Martyr for use especially as visual aids and encounters.
We receive the Tyburn Nuns calendar each November for the following year as well as newsletter updates. In the Christmas newsletter which arrived today we were inspired by the following article:
"The mystery of Christian MARTYRDOM, is inherent in MONTMARTRE, but the blood of the TYBURN MARTYRS in LONDON, England, who while yet alive, had their HEARTS torn from their breasts for the LOVE of the SACRIFICE of the HOLY MASS, and for the UNITY of the CHURCH, was also the final grace of sacrificial LOVE that MARIE ADELE GARNIER lived out during the last twenty-three years of her life to save and preserve for HOLY CHURCH the little Religious Community God had called her to found on the Hill of Montmatre, in France.
The suffering manner of life and her sacrificial death did not escape the eye of the Church, for one of the most eminent Cardinals at the time of her Passover from this mortal life proclaimed to her religious community that she MARIE ADELE GARNIER was indeed, "the LAST TYBURN MARTYR"." - Tyburn Mission Newsletter, Christmas 2016
We love the connection that Mother Adele Garnier has with the Tyburn Martyrs and her title 'the LAST TYBURN MARTYR'. Having read her biography we are especially drawn to her example and devotion. We highly recommend it!

Saint Edmund Campion was executed at Tyburn on December 1st 1581, ten years before Saint Polydore Plasden, both priests who gave their lives for the LOVE of the SACRIFICE of the HOLY MASS and for the UNITY of the CHURCH.
"The coming of Jesus gives us the right to ask for everything and to hope for everything." - Servant of God, Mother Adele Garnier.
We especially remember the Martyrs of Tyburn in December.
Our short films are filled with the spirit of the Martyrs and are a unique way to spend half an hour or an hour in prayerful meditation with these great heroes of the Faith in England.
Find our more:
Saint Alexander Briant's sacrifice remembered on DVD at:

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Saint John Southworth - Westminster's Priest

Saint John Southworth

Saint John Southworth came from a Lancashire family. He lived at Samlesbury Hall.
Saint John Southworth was born in 1592. His life was filled with grace and guidance during a time of danger and persecution for England's recusant Catholics.
In 1618, Saint John Southworth was ordained a Roman Catholic priest at the English College, Douai (Douay) in Northern France. He was determined to minister the Catholic Faith to the persecuted people of England despite the threat of imprisonment for Catholic priests.
After returning to England, Father Southworth was arrested and condemned to death in Lancashire in 1626, and imprisoned first in Lancaster Castle, and afterwards in the Clink Prison, London.

Saint John Southworth ministering to a plague victim
© 2014 Mary's Dowry Productions
On 11 April, 1630, he and other priests were delivered to the French Ambassador for transportation abroad, but in 1636, he was released from the Gatehouse, Westminster, and lived at Clerkenwell. From there Saint John Southworth frequently visited the plague-stricken dwellings of Westminster to administer the sacraments and comfort the sick and the dying. This he did with Saint Henry Morse, a fellow priest, risking their lives to bring the outlawed Catholic Sacraments to the sick and dying.
Fr. Henry Morse and Fr. John Southworth
© 2012 Mary's Dowry Productions
In 1637, Saint John Southworth was been based in Westminster. He and Saint Henry Morse wrote a letter to the Catholics of England, asking for their assistance. Finally, he was arrested on 28 November, before being again sent to the Gatehouse. From there he was transferred to the Clink and, in 1640, was brought before the Commissioners for Causes Ecclesiastical. On 16 July, St. John Southworth was again freed and daringly continued to assist the persecuted Catholics, despite the continued threat to his own life. By 2 December he was once more imprisoned in the Gatehouse by the anti-Catholic government. After his final apprehension on 19 June 1654, Saint John Southworth was tried at the Old Bailey, where he insisted on pleading guilty to being a priest. He was condemned to be hung, drawn and quartered at the infamous Tyburn gallows in London.
St. John Southworth in prison
© 2014 Mary's Dowry Productions
His death was a brave witness to the Catholic Faith and the holy Catholic priesthood.
The Spanish ambassador bought Saint John Southworth's body from the executioner and, in 1655, returned it to Douai after the body had been sewn together and embalmed. It was taken from England.
When England and France went to war in 1793 St John Southworth's body was buried in an unmarked grave below the college for its protection. The grave was discovered in 1927 and his remains were returned to England. In 1930, his major relics - the only complete body of a Reformation martyr - were brought to Westminster Cathedral, where a shrine was prepared for them.
St. John Southworth's body in Westminstr Cathedral
© 2014 Mary's Dowry Productions
Saint John Southworth was beatified in 1929 and was canonised in 1970 by Pope Paul VI, as one of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales. St John Southworth's feast day is 27 June, which is observed as a Solemnity at the Cathedral.
Our film about Saint John Southworth captures his spirit of prayer and sacrifice during a time of danger, persecution and mission in 17th Century England.
This is an informative yet spiritual way to spend half an hour absorbed in the mission and message of one of England's inspiring Catholic priests.
Available on DVD through AMAZON and
Visit Westminster Cathedral to pray before the relic of this wonderful English Martyr.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Saint Simon Stock and the Brown Scapular, Feast Day 16th May, Aylesford, Kent, sacramentals, DVD, Catholic film, British

Saint Simon Stock and the Brown Scapular
An inspiring early English Saint
Saint Simon Stock's feast day was celebrated on Monday 16th May.
Saint Simon Stock, an English Saint of the 12th Century, was responsible for receiving the devotion of the Brown Scapular. Our film offers a contemplative and informative journey with this early British Saint. It runs for 25 minutes and was produced with friends and family to help share the story of this saint and devotion with others. We make our films available on DVD.

The film includes quotes from Saint John Paul II and Saint Therese of Lisieux.
Take a look at the DVD with further information:

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Catholic DVDs in all region formats now listed on our NEW UK website, Mary's Dowry Productions UK, take a look today!

Screenshot from our NEW additional website:
We are pleased to have launched a NEW additional website for all of our DVDs and CDS.
It can be found at:
We are still at:
Benefits exclusive to our NEW UK website include:
FREE SHIPPING for UK residents on orders over £39.
This means that when you order four DVDs on the lives of the Saints or four CDs and they are sent to a UK address, we are able to post them to you FREE.
We keep our prices as low a possible to be able to share the lives of the Saints through our films.
Each DVD is priced at £10.
No need to create an account or sign up at:
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We accept Paypal as well for the cost of DVDs and CDs at both of our websites.
CLEAR listing of ALL of our current releases at:
Visit us today and take a look.
We produce films especially on the lives of our English Saints and English Martyrs.
Many of our films are now available to watch on our Youtube channel.
We like to have our favourite films, movies and series on DVD in our own home, so we make our original films on the lives of the Saints and Martyrs available on DVD for people who like to have collections for their home, parishes and schools too.
DVDs are especially useful for those who do not use the internet.
All proceeds from the sales of our DVDs and CDs go straight back into film production, costumes and props and allow us to make more films on these inspiring heavenly heroes.
Mary's Dowry Productions NEW additional website
DVDs are a wonderful way to share the lives of the Saints and English Martyrs with others.
Show them in your parish.
Lend them to your friends and families.
Spread the stories of the Saints and English Martyrs, shining examples from our history especially relevant today.
We have also produced DVDs on the lives of well known Saints too.
Visit us today and browse through our films.
Encounter the lives of our Saints and Martyrs.
See our full listings now.
We hope to see you soon.

Friday 15 April 2016

A Cry for Relief - by William Blundell, 1600, Catholics in England during Penal times, poems and prayers

We Catholics, tormented sore
With heresy's foul railing tongue,
With prisons, tortures, loss of goods,
Of land, yea, lives, even thieves among,
Do crave, with heart surcharged with grief,
Of thee, sweet Jesu, some relief.
We crave relief in this distress,
We seek some ease of this annoy;
Yet are we well content with all,
So thee in end we may enjoy;
Ourselves to thee we do resign -
Relieve us, Lord, our cause is thine.
Our cause is thine, and thine we are,
Who from thy truth refuse to slide;
Our faith thy truth, true faith the cause
For which these garboyles (troubles) we abide;
True faith, I say, as plain appears
To all who shut not eyes and ears.
To all who shut not eyes and ears
'Gainst fathers, scriptures, Church, and thee,
Who built thy Church, as doctors all
With scriptures plainly do agree,
Not, soon to fall, upon the sand,
But on a Rock still sure to stand.
Still sure to stand, yea, on a hill,
For all her friends and foes to see,
Her friends to foster and defend,
Her foes to vanquish gloriously;
From age to age this hath she done,
Thus shall she do in time to come.
In time to come, as heretofore,
Most certainly she shall prevail
'Gainst all the force and sleighty wiles,
Wherewith hell-gates may her assail;
Who shoot against this brazen wall
With their fond bolts themselves with gall.
Themselves with gall they will be sure,
Who strive to ruinate thy house,
And to withdraw thy children dear
From soft lap of thy dearest spouse,
Thy children whom, with streams of blood,
Thou bought, sweet Lord, upon the rood.
Upon the rood thou bought our souls
With price more worth than all thou bought,
Yet doth the fiend our foes so blind,
Both souls and price they set at naught;
They reckon not enough their ill,
Except with theirs our souls they spill.
Our souls to spill they think full soon
Or else our bodies to enthrall;
Or, at the least, to wantful state,
Through hard pursuits, to bring us all;
Come quickly, therefore, Lord Jesus,
And judge this cause 'twixt them and us.
Give judgement, Lord, 'twixt them and us,
The balance yet let pity hold:
Let mercy measure their offence,
And grace reduce them to thy fold,
That we, all children of thy spouse,
May live as brethren in thy house.
Written in 1600 during Penal Times, by William Blundell, a Catholic gentleman.
For films about the lives of the English Martyrs on DVD:

About Mary's Dowry Productions, from an Article written for Arundel Cathedral Proclaimer, April 2016, Catholic films, DVDs, productions, Howard

About Mary’s Dowry Productions
By Bernadette Bevans
Co-Founder and Co-Director
Mary’s Dowry Productions is named for Our Lady.
Tradition tells us that England was first consecrated to the Blessed Virgin as Her Dowry by Saint Edward the Confessor and that England has always held a special place in Mary’s heart.
 In 2007 my sister Emily and I felt so inspired by the lives of the saints, particularly our English saints and martyrs, that we wished to present these stories in a way that would inspire others too. I had a background in music composition and Emily in media and film.
Having grown up in A&B Diocese and living not far from Arundel, we had visited the Cathedral many times for events such as Confirmation but it struck us that we did not know a great deal about Saint Philip Howard whose tomb is there.
 We decided we would create a film on his life which would be inspiring and uplifting and help people to encounter this great saint.
Saint Philip Howard of Arundel
Available on DVD
We use the format of DVD so that anybody can pop a DVD in their player and encounter a saints’ life immediately. Using the simple means that were available to us at the time has led to the creation of a new form of film media to present the lives of the saints.
We try to recreate stunning silent visuals, informative, devotional narration and original contemplative music that touches the spirit and draws the viewer into a spiritual encounter with the saint.
Screenshot from 'Saint Ethedlreda: Abbess of Ely' DVD
Filmed on location at Nymans, Sussex
We wanted to achieve more than just films, but spiritual films that really capture the atmosphere and essence of an individual saint and not just information about them. 
Our DVD on St. Philip Howard helped us to learn about this saint too and has led us to produce films on other English Martyrs such as St. Edmund Campion, St. Margaret Clitherow; Anglo-Saxon saints like St. Cuthman of Steyning, St. Etheldreda; and popular saints like St. Francis of Assisi, St. Teresa of Avila also.
Saint Teresa of Avila DVD by Mary's Dowry Productions
Available on DVD
Our visuals over the years have become more creative, we try to incorporate local scenes and landmarks into the films and some of the saints we choose are very unknown but whose stories are remarkable and relevant today. 
Our films seek to offer a window into the lives of our saints so, using your spiritual senses we invite you to shut out the world, sit prayerfully and peacefully and go on a journey of faith, history and prayer with the saints.
 Our growing catalogue of DVDs and music CDs now numbers over 70 films which are all available online at

Saturday 26 March 2016

A Valiant Woman - Saint Margaret Clitherow - reading for 25th March, Elizabethan, Catholic, Mother, executed 25 March 1586

Saint Margaret Clitherow, English Martyr, Recusant Catholic, Elizabethan, Mother, Saint.
Margaret Middleton married John Clitherow, butcher and grazier, a freeman of the city of York, in 1571, and shortly afterwards became a Catholic. During the following twelve years her house was a refuge for priests, whom she received at her own peril, and she brought up her children in the faith; her husband was not a Catholic, but seems not to have hampered his wife’s activities. For her persistent recusancy, Margaret was several times put in prison, even for two years together, but her sufferings only increased her fervour. “Were it not,” she said, “for my husband and children I would rather stay there always, apart from the world with God.” She was most attentive to the care of her house, witty, cheerful and good-looking, and her constancy and patience never failed. Her husband was later to say of her, “Let them take all I have and save her, for she is the best wife in all England, and the best Catholic.” She has, he said, only two faults, fasting too much and refusing to go to church.

On 10 March 1586 Mr Clitherow was summoned before the council at York, and in his absence his house was searched. The priest in hiding there escaped, but Margaret and her children were taken. Enraged at their failure, the searchers terrorized a Flemish boy of twelve years, staying in the house, till he showed them the priest’s room and where the church stuff was kept. At her trial, lest her children might be forced by evidence to be guilty of her blood, Margaret refused to plead, on the ground that she had committed no offence. At her second examination she again refused to plead, saying there was no evidence against her save that of children, whom you can make say anything by a stick or an apple. An Anglican clergyman who was present boldly protested to the bench against the iniquity of the proceedings.

The judge urged her to demand a jury, but in vain, and she was sentenced to be pressed to death, the ancient penalty for standing mute to a charge of felony. Margaret told the judge that, if this was his conscientious judgement, she prayed God to give him a better judgement in future. Forbidden to see husband or child, pestered by people who tried to shake her resolution, Margaret yet thanked God for all that was befalling her. The judge unwillingly issued an order for the execution on the following Friday (25th March 1586). Margaret had prepared herself by fasting and prayer; but she begged for a woman to be with her during the night, for, “though death is comfort,” she said, “the flesh is frail.” As no one could be admitted, the keeper’s wife sat with her for a while.

The first hours of the night Margaret passed on her knees in prayer, clothed in a linen habit made by herself for her passion. At three she laid herself flat on the stones for a quarter of an hour, then rested on her bed. At eight the sheriff and his officers came, and with them she walked barefoot, going along through the crowd to the Tolbooth. There, turning from those present, she knelt and prayed by herself. Then she laid herself on the ground clothed only in the linen habit, her face covered with a handkerchief, her hands outstretched and bound as if on a cross. The weighted door was laid on her; at the first crushing pain she cried, “Jesu, Jesu, Jesu have mercy on me,” and after a quarter of an hour passed to God. So died Saint Margaret Clitherow, of whom it was said that “everybody loved her.”

Reading from Mementoes of the Confessors and Martyrs of England and Wales by Henry Sebastian Bowden of the Oratory. (Imaged used in the post taken from the DVDs ‘Saint Margaret Clitherow’ and ‘The Shining Pearl of York’ by Mary’s Dowry Productions)
Our DVDs about Saint Margaret Clitherow are available worldwide, region free, from our online shop:

Sunday 13 March 2016

FIRST LOOK - Saint David of Wales - New DVD, St. David, Monk, Bishop, Founder, Catholic - Mary's Dowry Productions

Saint David of Wales by Mary's Dowry Productions - NEW DVD
We will be making our new film about Saint David of Wales available from:
this week, which offers a prayerful and spiritually uplifting look at the life and mission of one of our great British Saints.
The film runs for 25 minutes and is packed with historical information and facts in an atmosphere of devotion, making it both an interesting and prayerful encounter with Saint David.
Many of our films are used in schools and parishes as well as for family or private viewing.
All of our DVDs are available Region Free and ship worldwide.
Saint David of Wales will be available over the next few days from our online shop.
In 2007 Mary’s Dowry productions created a new form of film media to present the lives of the Saints. Mary’s Dowry Productions recreates original silent visuals, informative, devotional narration, and original contemplative music that touches your spirit to draw you into a spiritual encounter with the Saint.
Watch with your spiritual eye, listen with your spiritual ear.
Our films seek to offer a window into the lives of the Saints. 
Using your spiritual senses we invite you to shut out the world, sit prayerfully and peacefully and go on a journey of faith, history and prayer.

LAST WORDS (2) - Blessed William Hart to the Oppressed Catholics of Elizabethan England - Reading for 13th March - English Martyr

Blessed William Hart to the Oppressed Catholics of Elizabethan England
Reading for 13th March
"This is the first, the last, the only request I make, and have yet made or ever shall.
Fulfil these my desires, hear my voice, keep to my counsel.
But why do I, a miserable and unhappy sinner, beg of you that, in this age, most poisoned and most dangerous to the good, you should persevere firm and constant in your confession, where angels, archangels, patriarchs, prophets, apostles, martyrs, confessors, virgins, the whole world beseech it, when the salvation of your souls and the good God Himself make the same entreaty, that you should remain firm in the faith you have once received and in your confession of the Truth?
May God of His infinite Mercy help you to do so, and I, your spiritual father, though weak and loaded with sins innumerable, will never cease to pray for you, both in this life and the next.
Wherefore I entreat you, in every way I can, to be mindful of me as often as you offer your devout prayers to God, lest I be like a melting candle, which giveth light to others and itself consumeth.
Again and againt farewell, my much desired ones. The servant of all and every one of you."
- Blessed William Hart - martyred 15th March 1583.
"Lest, perhaps, when I have preached to others, I myself should become a castaway." - 1 Cor. 9, 27.
Reading for 13th March
The Mementoes of the Martyrs and Confessors of England and Wales
by Henry Sebastian Bowden of the Oratory
For DVDs about the English Martyrs:
In 2007 Mary’s Dowry productions created a new form of film media to present the lives of the saints. Mary’s Dowry Productions recreates silent visuals, informative, devotional narration, and original contemplative music that touches your spirit to draw you into a spiritual encounter with the saint. Watch with your spiritual eye, listen with your spiritual ear. Our films seek to offer a window into the lives of our saints. Using your spiritual senses we invite you to shut out the world, sit prayerfully and peacefully and go on a journey of faith, history and prayer with the Saints and English Martyrs.

Saturday 12 March 2016

LAST WORDS (1) - Blessed William Hart (English Martyr) to the Oppressed Catholics - Hanged March 15th

Reading for 12th March
Blessed William Hart to the Oppressed Catholics.
"Stand fast, brethren, stand steadfast, I say, in that faith which Christ planted, the apostles preached, the martyrs confirmed, the whole world approved and embraced.
Stand firm in that faith which, as it is the oldest, is also the truest and most sure, and which is most in harmony with the Holy Scriptures and with all antiquity.
Stand constant in that faith which has a worship worthy of all honour and reverence, Sacraments most holy, abounding in spiritual consolation.
For it ye have remained constant in this faith, that is, in the Catholic Church, the Ark of Noe, in the house of Rahab, with what joy and consolation of the soul will ye not be flooded: yours will be the Sacrament of Penance for the cleansing of your souls; yours the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of our Saviour for the refreshing of your souls; you will be partakers of all the satisfaction and merits of Christ, of the fellowship of the Saints, of the suffrages, prayers, fasts and almsdeeds of all the just whom the Catholic Church throughout the world holds in her bosom.
O blessed they, yea, and thrice blessed, who in this deplorable world stand firm in the faith of Christ."
-Blessed William Hart - English Martyr 15th March 1583.
"Your adversary the devil...goeth about seeking whom he may devour, whom resist ye strong in faith." - 1 Peter 5, 8-9
Reading from
The Mementoes of the Martyrs and Confessor of England and Wales
by Henry Sebastian Bowden of the Oratory.
For films about the English Martyrs:

Monday 7 March 2016

NEW DVD release - Blessed Titus Brandsma, a Carmelite Dutch priest who gave a moving witness to Christ in Nazi occupied Holland

March 2016
New from Mary's Dowry Productions - Blessed Titus Brandsma - a 30 minute film of his life and powerful witness for the Catholic Church during Nazi occupied Holland in WW2.
In this film we take a spiritual and prayerful look at this Carmelite priest who spoke out against the evils of the Nazis and was eventually martyred at Dachau Concentration Camp.
We reflect upon some of his prayers and writings, especially some of those that were penned during his imprisonment.
We also look at the reasons why Blessed Titus Brandsma was arrested and imprisoned by the Nazis and what his message and witness is to us today.
Blessed Titus Brandsma is the Patron Saint of Journalists.
This DVD is now available worldwide in all region formats from:

Friday 26 February 2016

Harbouring Priests - Saint Anne Line, Laywoman, Elizabethan English Martyr - Commemorated on 27th February

Saint Anne Line - Laywoman - 27th February

Saint Anne Line prepares a secret Mass room.
© 2010 Mary's Dowry Productions
Mrs Line was the widow of a Hampshire gentleman who was exiled for his religion; she suffered continuous ill-health, but her soul was strong. Her desire was to win the palm of martyrdom, and she feared she would be deprived of it, as very few women had then suffered.
Roger Line, Saint Anne's husband, imprisoned and exiled for the Catholic Faith
© 2010 Mary's Dowry Productions
The assurance of a former confessor of hers, William Thomson, himself a martyr, and a vision she had of Our Lord carrying His cross, encouraged her to hope that her desire would be obtained, and she was not deceived. On Candlemas day 1601, her house was beset by pursuviants at the very time Mass was beginning; but as the doors were strongly barred the priest, Father Page, managed to escape, and the house was searched in vain.
Father Page begins his escape
© 2010 Mary's Dowry Productions

Mrs Line, however, was arrested and carried in a chair to the Old Bailey, for she was too weak to walk, and there sentenced to be hanged.
Saint Anne Line in prison
© 2010 Mary's Dowry Productions
At Tyburn she declared:
"I am sentenced to die for harbouring a Catholic priest, and so far am I from repenting that I wish I could have entertained a thousand."
She suffered on 27th February 1601, just before the priests Barkworth and Filcock, and the former blessed her dead body, kissing her clothing and her hand, and saying they would quickly follow her.
Father Barkworth
© 2010 Mary's Dowry Productions
"He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive the reward of a prophet." - Matt. 10, 41.
Reading for 27th February
Mementoes of the Martyrs and Confessors of England and Wales
by Henry Sebastian Bowden of the Oratory.
Our film about Saint Anne Line is available through:
Saint Anne Line:

A very atmospheric film that draws you into the heart and mind of a young Elizabethan woman with a deep love of the Mass and her fellow people.  The interesting visuals capture life in that Era but in a contemporary style, showing the beauty of the faith, fellowship and love that breaches the boundaries of time. 

In 2007 Mary’s Dowry productions created a new form of film media to present the lives of the saints. Mary’s Dowry Productions recreates stunning silent visuals, informative, devotional narration, and original contemplative music that touches your spirit to draw you into a spiritual encounter with the saint. Watch with your spiritual eye, listen with your spiritual ear. Our films seek to offer a window into the lives of our saints. Using your spiritual senses we invite you to shut out the world, sit prayerfully and peacefully and go on a journey of faith, history and prayer with this young and inspiring Elizabethan Englishwoman.

Length and Format:

The film runs for 30 minutes and is available on Region Free DVD worldwide.