In 2007 Mary’s Dowry productions created a new form of film media to present the lives of the saints. Mary’s Dowry Productions recreates stunning silent visuals, informative, devotional narration, and original contemplative music that touches your spirit to draw you into a spiritual encounter with the saint. Watch with your spiritual eye, listen with your spiritual ear. Our films seek to offer a window into the lives of our saints. Using your spiritual senses we invite you to shut out the world, sit prayerfully and peacefully and go on a journey of faith, history and prayer with this inspiring Elizabethan Saint.
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Also we remember Saint Ralph Sherwin and Saint Alexander Briant who were executed with Saint Edmund Campion over 400 years ago.
Saint Edmund Campion was a Jesuit priest and English Martyr. His love for England, the Catholic Church and the Mass saw him travel the country during a troubled time in English history, sharing the Faith with kindness, wisdom and joy. All who met him were struck by his words and holiness. Saint Edmund wrote many beautiful things about the Catholic Faith which are quoted throughout our film Our film is a spiritual encounter with the faith and devotion of Saint Edmund Campion and while it is full of information and history it is first and foremost about Saint Edmund Campion.
Saint Edmund Campion was a Jesuit priest and English Martyr. His love for England, the Catholic Church and the Mass saw him travel the country during a troubled time in English history, sharing the Faith with kindness, wisdom and joy. All who met him were struck by his words and holiness. Saint Edmund wrote many beautiful things about the Catholic Faith which are quoted throughout our film Our film is a spiritual encounter with the faith and devotion of Saint Edmund Campion and while it is full of information and history it is first and foremost about Saint Edmund Campion.
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