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The Poor Souls |
Mary's Dowry Productions is presently working hard to finish production on several of our DVDs that we have filmed for over the past 2 years. Finally, at the end of this month (July 2018) we are now ready to complete work on a new film: 'Saint Mechtilde of Magdeburg and the Souls in Purgatory' so before we start editing we would like to tell you a little bit about this upcoming DVD.
We wanted to have a film that looks in greater detail at Purgatory in the teachings of the Catholic Church and while we could have used many examples and stories, accounts and teachings from well-known Saints such as Padre Pio, Faustina, Catherine of Siena and more, we have focused upon a little known German Beguine and Mystical author, Mechtilde of Magdeburg who had a deep concern for the Holy Souls and wrote about Purgatory often in her book 'The Flowing Light of the Godhead'. It actually worked out that way through several circumstances providing an excellent presentation of purgatory, sin, Saints and teachings of the Church, especially through the councils.
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Beguine - St Mechtilde of Magdeburg © 2017 Mary's Dowry Productions |
We actually had a tough time producing this film from day one. Our first action was to set off to a ruined Sussex barn in the next village from us to acquire costumed footage of a Beguine. It was SO windy, but not only that, we forgot the safety pins for fastening part of the Beguine habit so it kept blowing off the whole time - a real test of patience.
So our actress's hand is often seen beneath her throat in a humble aspect, actually fighting the elements to stop her wimple flying away.
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Beguine - St Mechtilde of Magdeburg © 2017 Mary's Dowry Productions |
Production upon this film has suffered many set backs since.
We have been trying to compete the research and narrative for almost two years, with other projects coming to the forefront of necessity. Now we are finally able to set about finally editing the film production together and making it available on DVD.
It has been a goal of ours and important to us to produce a couple of films about the Beguines as we share their vocation. Beguines first appeared in the 12th century with women called by God not to live in religious community or take religious vows but to give their lives in service and devotion of Him as single laywomen, often with apostolates. Modern Beguines today can live with their parents or alone or can be widowed. They are often classed as 'single people'. Because a Beguine does not take a vow she is free to stop becoming a Beguine at any time. She is also able to focus upon different devotions such as favouring Carmelite spirituality or Benedictine spirituality. She may pray the Hours, attend Mass when possible, pray the rosary and psalms, keep notes from the lives of the Saints and writings that inspire her, practice the virtues, undertake simple work in the world to support herself or her apostolate, and seeks to be in the world but not of it. Many Beguines throughout history were mystics and compiled writings.
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Beguine - St Mechtilde of Magdeburg © 2017 Mary's Dowry Productions |
They followed no rule of life, had spiritual independence, were deeply Sacramental, imitated the lives of the first Apostles, lived in solitude, were self-defined, passionate about ministry, were often reformers, poets, servants of the poor and undertook manual work, study, teaching and prayer.
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Beguine - St Mechtilde of Magdeburg © 2017 Mary's Dowry Productions |
Beguines were similar to anchoresses. They have always been important for the Church in that they prayed and pray daily for the Church. They are also devoted to the Pope and share or defend the Faith. There are many Beguines around today but because most of them are hidden we don't hear much about them. Historically, Beguines enjoyed times of favour and times of condemnation in the history of the Church. Because they often rebuked laxity or corruption within the Church, and because they were not under the control of a local bishop or priest, the clergy often regarded them with suspicion. Beguines were officially approved by the Church and then it was decreed that Beguines must join religious orders or live in Beguine communities. The last Beguine in an enclosed community died in 2013.
Beguines also had and have a deep love for Our Lady who, according to Saint Douceline, a Beguine of Provence, was the first Beguine. There are famous Beguines such as Hadewijch, Douceline, Mary of Oignies and Beatrice of Nazareth. Some Beguine's writings were condemned and some were approved and continue to be a source of insight and inspiration today. There are a few books about Beguines available today, but not many, and it is difficult to find translations of the writings of Beguines of their spiritual directors. Laura Swan's book 'The Wisdom of the Beguines' gives a good inside to this often overlooked and hidden women's movement.
Saint Mechtilde of Magdeburg was a Beguine of Germany. She lived the last years of her life in the convent at Helfta with Saint Gertrude the Great and Saint Mechtilde and Saint Gertrude of Helfta. Gertrude the Great and Mechtilde of Helfta were both renowned for heralding the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The writings of Saint Mechtilde of Magdeburg can be noted in both Gertrude and (the other) Mechtilde's beautiful books.
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Beguine - St Mechtilde of Magdeburg © 2017 Mary's Dowry Productions |
Our film about 'Saint Mechtilde of Magdeburg and The Souls in Purgatory' is not only a good way to get to know the life and writings of this 13th century Beguine and mystic (she was the first mystic to write in German; Gertrude and Mechtilde of Helfta's books were in Latin), but it is also a good way to meditate upon the Souls in Purgatory, with Saint Gertrude's prayer, examples from Saint Mechtilde and the Catholic teaching about Purgatory throughout the film. Her encounters with purgatory and specific souls is really moving and inspiring.
The footage that we shot back in 2017 will be used for Saint Mechtilde in this upcoming film and we hope to be able to produce future DVDs about the Beguines so as to offer some more imagery and portrayals to help make their spirituality, heritage and vocation better known.
will be released on DVD and available from Mary's Dowry Productions:
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