Tuesday 19 February 2019

Every single Catholic film by Mary's Dowry Productions in (two for the price of one film) Catholic box sets

It has been a busy year so far for Mary's Dowry Productions, producing box sets of most of our films. Have you seen our growing range? It is now possible to order almost every single one of our films about the Saints and English Martyrs, two films for the price of one, with our NEW box set range.

We wanted to make these available in groups so as to be able to send out and make known as many biographies about the early British Saints, unknown English Martyrs, important 'Blesseds' and even popular Saints as possible.

This year we hope to complete our NEW film about Saint Francis de Sales and Saint Jane de Chantal, truly an inspiring story with wonderful quotes and insights from their letters and writings.

So far we have managed to the film visuals and record the narration. We have slowed down after twelve years of production so as to focus on promoting many of our films about the lesser known Saints and Martyrs as possible.

With three new projects currently in production we hope to work on these while sending off many parcels throughout the world as well as preparing several of our films for broadcast through various non-profit Catholic media.

Mary's Dowry Productions is a Catholic film productions apostolate founded in 2007, run by volunteers, to bring the lives of the Saints and English Martyrs to people using film.

Take a look at out website here: www.marysdowryproductions.org

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