Tuesday 10 December 2019

Saint Anne Line and the Mass - the English Martyrs and the Mass (FILM TRAILER)


Shining out from among many of our English Martyrs is one of three women who were canonized in 1970 as part of the group of Saints known as 'The 40 Martyrs of England and Wales'. Her name was Anne Line and she was a young Elizabethan Catholic woman who converted to the persecuted Church from Calvinism.

As a member of the outlawed Catholic Church in England, Saint Anne, along with her brother and friend, Roger Line, worked for the Catholic cause. She and Roger soon married but shortly after Roger was arrested with Anne's brother and their priest friend. Roger was sent into exile where he soon died, leaving young Saint Anne a widow.

The great missionary priest Father John Gerard gave Saint Anne Line as mission - to care for safe houses throughout England, where priests who returned to England upon secret, dangerous missions bringing the outlawed Mass and Sacraments to the people, would find safety and shelter.

Saint Anne Line was deeply united to Christ and offered her sufferings, including frequent migraines, in sacrifice for the Catholic cause in England and for the conversion of souls. She was eventually arrested during a secret Mass, imprisoned, questioned, hung up by her wrists for ten days in a cell, but refused to deny the Catholic Faith, the authority of the Pope, the Petrine ministry or repent from sheltering outlawed priests.

Saint Anne Line joyfully gave her life for the Catholic Faith in England at the triple Tyburn gallows.
Her story is available on DVD from Mary's Dowry Productions worldwide in all region formats HERE as well as Instant Digital Download from our website to watch NOW.


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